Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I am vulgardicus!

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You have brought this on yourself, nerd.
You are a cat now.
Not a joycat, but this is a start.

hes more than okay


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no you

Well clearly you aren’t bullying her hard enough, seeing as she is still playing.

sorry Ans

if you didn’t force their pfp to change to cat
you did something wrong

thats aboose

Screen Shot 2020-06-23 at 12.54.21 AM

it is ans… with an arete pfp

Dare I say… no.


i must resist


It’s not Arete pfp.
You are blind and this is blatant photoshop.

this is a cult
get me out of here

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You should be rejoicing, you finally got to join the superior faction.

the thing is

shes used to me bullying her

Marshal, I improved your PFP :^)

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Holy hell this pfp is top tier.
I love you.

superior faction at getting bodied tbh

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i forgot i had it on my computer but i found it on accident trying to find a picture of aretes cat

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