Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

fuck you right

It’s a rare sight
Katze does not have a cat pfp


uhhh that’s a catgirl


Query: What is the percentage of cat that a catgirl should have before she can be considered a cat?

Define “catgirl” because that’s definitely not what i see

Italy is a catgirl.
That’s outed info.

The ratio of ear : body

So probably like 5%

That pfp = italy

italy = catgirl

it mathz

any less and we get into the “ugly” territory


yeah but there’s a difference between that and flat out not playing the entire game

plus i think if you got wolf again you’d be more confident in your wolfgame

the first one is the hardest

sees outline of france

just find someone to talk to 5Head

or an online/competitive game

you’re talking about what defines cat part in catgirl
like 3%

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imagine a cat but with a human nose

imagine a cat with human teeth

do you know what the french flag looks like

do you know what the italian flag looks like

I believe there is an online reference for scale that ranges from girl - catgirl - furry - cat

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pure white

a pizza

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my cat has both of those

they are not on the cat, but my poor neighbor fred got in the way of the wrong random patch of grass my cat likes to eat.

And the kitty took trophies from his victim

Did I ever mention that I literally considered giving up when Napoleon posted this lmao: