Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I see.

I do remember Vulgard saying I was “blatantly town” in SFoL 28 spectator chat.

ill fool her one day

i just dont know when that day is

:upside_down_face: i think she would have been fooled by my MU game if she actually followed it

you were blatantly town

i thought you were prince for a bit

then i realized you probably wouldn’t have jailed seth as prince


What a typo?

How do you stomach playing on MU with that terrible interface.

Yeah this is meant to be FoL 28.
It isn’t every game I get to be top poster 2 days in a row.
I managed to clear half of the court as being starting cult D1.

mu sux

I was unable to figure anything out it was hard to learn how to insert gifs

Investigative Archer for the win FoL 28.

i played a single game there and don’t plan on doing it very often in the future

but there’s some appeal to it, bigger community/games and more games

plus modbot is great

Two words:
Quote nests.

Get that atrocity out.
Also the fact that most of the setups that are run there feel too bland.
Oh and competent players actually tryharding is intimidating.

I fooled cult into thinking I was mystic when seth basically outright claimed mystic

i’m happy with my play in FoL28 even if it was mostly spent tunneling kat and arete

I think vanilla setups are way more fun

bland… maybe

but also more social-deduction oreinted and I dislike mechtalk

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Cult losing that game was the biggest disappointment ever for me.
Also the fact that people just ignored Blizer when he was scummy since D1 but yeah… Vantage spectator point.

i cant tell if i prefer rolemadness or vanilla

every time i think it’s one, i play it and then dislike it

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Mech is the only thing I can properly work with so lmao.

What I said about Katze in FoL 28.

[quote=“katze, post:447, topic:82131”]

[quote=“CRichard564, post:440, topic:82131”]

Katze is memeing as usual, which seems to be NAI for now. I find that once she stops memeing and gets serious, that means she is most likely town.

I’m… memeing quite a bit less than usual this game?

Like, a majority of my posts haven’t been memes :frowning:

“You seem to be more serious and less jokey this game. It’s almost as though you’re not in the mood to make memes this game.”

ill credit arete here

they didn’t do too much in N1 allies but they called out blizer

iirc i kinda brushed it off because i didnt remember any of his posts and didnt really have the wim to read them since i wanted to solve marshal

and then the mystic outted marshal as being a CW claim lmao

I thought I would like games with conversion, but after playing 1.5 game that had it – it felt pretty bad.

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also i’m glad that prince yeeted merc

people were like “ah no we should let her live she’s just unconvertable phys plz neutrals can i suck your toes more”

like fuck that if someone claims neut they get pronce’d