Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i actually rolled a 2nd randomizer class and then realized it’d be class 911 so i just

made a meme



my back hurts and I have a meeting required for preprations to go to oxbridge coming up in half an hour

occupying yourself while also rolestopping yourself at the same time causing a paradox is a definite power move

if a redirector spawned that class would be fairly strong

it can only target itself
so like no


give it a passive called “narcissism” that makes it immune to all redirection

not occupation
only redirection

use pain medication or do something to increase focus on upcoming task
be logical

someone make me go to bed before vulgard wakes up and makes me stay

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You realize that most pain meds are bad for concentration?

why does the katze class benefit from lowposting


I didn’t
If I did I would remark so

i thought you wanted to stop hyperposting
but i can reverse it

this class has been carefully made
i lowercased the “k” in katze

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i still do want to stop

but i actively tried not to in FoL28 and was the 2nd highest poster

so im not good at stopping

plus katze is like, a notorious hyperposter regardless


now katze with a gun forces you to hyperpost

we have the opposite problems

i can’t stop posting

you can’t post