Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

My stats on MU

I have never randed scum in nonmashes though

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is it bad that im trying to think of a 10p list for an invitational and can’t think of more than 4 players

i should probably think harder

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I don’t think it should be that hard

i’m not going to make it “super amazing ppl only”

just people who have demonstrated considerable skill as both alignments

I think that might be a problem we have

time to take vulgard off that list

im kidding vulgard ily

dont hurt me

also taking myself off that list

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now this might be hard because i can think of like 3 people who are amazing townies but :grimacing: at maf



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so would Anstreim go on that list

I said amazing townies

That actually sounds like a cool idea.
As long as spectating will be open.

unironically yes, assuming you mean the “good at both” part

the sample size is small but the potential is large

I agree


better player list with all of alice’s different names

  1. Alice
  2. Kokoro Mitsume
  3. sarun
  4. Alice Liddel
  5. DybuDabu
We may get another sampling of Anstreim in SFoL 62 so :^)

…Why does this sound like you are planning to serve me on a platter like a main dish of the game.

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what if I suck at both :^)

i’m actually really good at town when i actually care enough, you haven’t seen town leader italy’s full power


did I stutter

I want to feed you likes, but I’m out of likes.
This is torturous.

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