Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Force everyone to type like Alice.
Problem solved :^)

Get everyone to type like Mode

expectation: high-skill FM with an elite playerlist that all tryhards


alice vote town

only scum vote town

alice caughtscum

vote alice

dybu daret dybu daret


wow good idea chloe

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I think I’d be pretty good at faking people’s writing style tbh.

@orangeandblack5 ayaya


Ok yeah
Ignore me

Also not my idea ):<


Tbh I wouldn’t expect high skill FM after seeing the flagship game mode but I digress

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I probably wouldn’t try to fake anyones writing style but I can type with punctuation and significantly different than I usually do I just never feel like putting effort in anymore :^)

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See, I don’t think people would be fixated on figuring who you are player-wise, they’d probably be more invested in solving your alignment?
You know that I don’t really pay attention to typing styles in ToL for example, but I guess there’s less time = less opportunity to do so? Still.

I feel like unless you always type in lowercase while everyone else writes ‘properly’, people won’t look that deep into your identity.

that’s too easy

the nerd posting cat pictures is a wolf
wait its katze
its nai

dybu datze

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man compared to the first one this is like a cookiethread speedrun


Just ban identity speculation


Will post like this if invited

Am too lazy for proper English

Alt speculation is already banned.
I meant trying to look into players privately, i.e. when deciding on conversion or something.

are you imitating my typing style :eyes:

wait heck

Cat picture before i dip