Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

But yes

I was staring at my dinner wondering how potato’s grew

Apparently it’s very interesting

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corn in stomach

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Cats wear panties, things I didn’t know for 500

she doesn’t wear clothes she just takes my pillow


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have you tried giving her, their own pillow?

she only likes mine

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actually she likes another one but it’s in another room

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give them their own pillow or riot


its not your pillow anymore then

it belongs to your cat


help am dying

mind feels like trash

rolling around the bed only works for a while

then you get bored

and then your mind dies

idk how to explain what I’m feeling other then “death, death, and more death”

someone please relate to this feeling

whenever i get like this i just put my phone under my pillow and try to force myself to sleep

and then usually fail

rinse and repeat for an hour or so

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good advice

are you okay Litten

Yes I’m okay in the sense of “I’ll be fine later”

but right now my mind feels pretty sluggish and bad

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it’s like I physically don’t want to do anything. My mind is saying “don’t get out of bed, don’t do a lot of work”, but my legs are saying “HYPE!!!” So my legs are constantly moving while my head is like “why” and then I’m overly thinking things as well and so it’s bad



This combination is now going to be called officially

“the death slog”