Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Should make my pfp the bottle of orange juice tbh

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Do you still have the photo saved lmao


Don’t ask why

I’mmjust too lazy to clean the gallery

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At least you are going to have some rain.
But holy hell, this is terrible. How do you survive? I can’t even sleep properly, I just want to lie down close to the ground and die.

ans do you have air conditioning

Relatable rn.


Nope. We were meant to get AC in winter when prices are low but even after reminding them a hundred times my family members still forgot.
So here we are.

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I wan this.

I don have this.


I’m pretty sure ans catches fire upon the slightest exposure to heat

Also rip AC

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I mean I’m literally almost as pale as paper.
Two hours in the sun would burn me to a crisp.

Are you me?

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Aren’t you playing basketball? You probably don’t look like death itself :eyes:


ok I see the problem

AC is like a necessity in texas so i’m not used to people not having it

if it weren’t for AC texas would have a population of like 14


I have AC but could probably survive without it

I do not catch fire in heat so that helps :^)

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Well, yes, but I’m still really pale.

Do you have complexion of a skeleton as well? You might be me after all.

i tan really easily

i became too reliant on that

i now have mutliple sunburns

dont be like me

I can deal with the heat

i’ll still go biking in the 100 degree weather, but I cannot imagine sleeping with temperatures of 80 degrees and no AC

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