Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I should really just move to Iceland like I wanted to 5 years ago.


I’m planning to move there after colleg.

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Clearly we should move together :^)


You should move to Greenland

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Svalbard is better smh


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Dybu Daret

it makes sense when you look at how the date is said in English – ‘June 24th, 2020’ not ‘the 24th of June, 2020,’ so it becomes 6/24/20

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Even my car doesn’t have an AC
Which sucks but you survive it
Pretty decent temperatures rn, give some warmth pls

This is sorta fair but it’s still a questionable decision

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Many things are said differently, doesn’t mean they have to be written the same way.
It’s still nonsense.

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how do you get sunburn when there’s snow???

Germany doesn’t have AC in general tbh

At least not outside of the larger cities

It’s easier, actually - the snow reflects the sun very well


I’m not at fault for english messing it up even in their language :wink:

It turns out the universe doesn’t care about common sense


You don’t usually get em tho because

It’s not like much of your skins going to be out when it’s that cold

usually just face

For some reason I keep confusing your pfp with kat’s even though they are nothing alike.