Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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Hmmm forums are lagging rip

hack you

This is a good website for ethical hacking

If I have to delete another lock or bumb thread in X. Imma be real annoyed. PLZ STOP

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you don’t have to delete it

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He bird
He mod
But most importantly
He delet

you could just reopen thread after it closes
you don’t have to scan thread aggressively

How are people even automatically bumping the thread

Also someone plz what bump mean I am still confused

hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah ur so funny.

People = eevee and the answer = modpowerz

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you rear end the thread with a car

It just pushes the thread to the top page as if someone replied to it.

What who is funny lol

Eevee when he keeps doing it. Its testing my patience

tell eevee that he’s not invited to your roblox birthday party
that’ll show him


i think the more used terms are whitehats and blackhats