Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

however this ruins the theory as arete being cult and social is breaking the laws of physics so unfortunately my tinfoil is ruined

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But Marshal

Arete was Cult Leader in hand of byzantium 3, and they converted Maxwell the Librarian


Thinking about it

If Anstreim was CL with a starting Apostle in HoB, which alts would he pick :^)

Is this even a question.


I can see you picking

Maybe 2 things

Hint hint: Magistrate.

magistrate who stole throne, why did you never gladiate or disenfranchise

See, that’s your second mistake.
Assuming I’d go for RoTBK instead of Decree/Disenfranchise.

As long as Emperor seems like Righteous Emperor it’s probably fine to pick that

but Librarian

Reading King is usually rather bothersome, especially early on.
Also the King might unexpectedly die in some other mysterious way, and hopefully by then you won’t need RB to get elected since “lolmechconfirmation”.

Either that or just convert a Governor and have them pick the 2 point alt

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Echoes from converted Librarian is a pretty interesting ability though.
I wish there was something similar in regular FoL.

Virtuous features a version of it on Librarian

That works on all shared chats besides the BD one

this could get rather obnoxious if Exiled spawn

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Also why do Coroner’s 1 point alts exist.

big if there, pal

Expectation: use Echoes of Anstreim to get tons of useful info from Allies chat

Reality: use Echoes of Anstreim to get a bunch of really confusing information that makes no sense without context, and also some memes

I mean, taking Napoleon’s Allies with me/SDA from N1 for example.
I’ve left that card but from what I remember, there were a lot of things discussed in detail. If King is someone like him it would absolutely be +EV.

To make a very convincing Coroner claim I guess