Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

sacwifice me ans-chan :weary: UwU

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Your blood is filthy and impure.
You are an unfitting sacrifice.

Sacrificing katze will cause frostweaver to roll :^)

Will cause him to roll Arbiter* :^)

If he actually rolls it again

I will laugh

i feel like i hear dice being rigged

That’s the sound of Mind Flayer rolling in its grave.

Anstreim misses old Mind Flayer

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he just wants the wallpost in the classcard

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Don’t expose my wallpost addiction.

We all know it’s true

you know who’s known for making wallposts?

i’ll stop

I’d like to pre-in on sfol 63 if possible @Amelia

I plan to enter SFoL 62 as well but I do not request to pre-in on that one.

Yes, of course. Napoleon makes best wallposts.

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Does that mean we’ll actually get to play with you :eyes:


I just got a med refill yesterday for the first time in months
After airlock, I plan to take a remarkably sizeable break from hosting and focus more on playing instead
Now that I have a resource to not be perpetually doomed to terrible WiM, at least for a couple months (maybe longer, depending on my insurance situation).

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as if you’ll play :^)


Literally hinted multiple times that I’m joining 62.

You are a lemon.


its got a little :3 face

thats you