Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I don’t really want to go back to school but I have to cause lolcanadianeducation

Also I should be sleeping why am I still on forums


wait u were supposed to be asleep




This doesn’t look too bad

if you ignore the creepiness of it

today i learned that my cat is somewhat afraid of fidget spinners

how have you come across this knowledge in mid 2020

where did you find a fidget spinner did you rob a museum?

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actually i think I have one on my shelf but like it has not been touched in a good 2 years


i was talking to someone and the topic came up and i remembered i own a couple in my closet

so now i am spinning them and my cat is staring at me like ive committed a crime

Dude ATLUS is owned by SEGA what did you expect

I mean yeah the art turned out not great but at least the “let’s go to sleep” is accurate

I don’t know what that means I just searched up “cursed morgana persona”

I still liked my Morgana

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whoops almost doxxed eevee’s home address in that post

Sonic is SEGA
Morgana is ATLUS

i prefer this one

Marshal how tf did you not pick this one

@Firekitten bald morgana

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delete this

@marshal you too

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