Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Ah yes, mocking people when I outright said that I’m mocking the mentality.
If it’s still so hard to comprehend, then I’m double sorry, because I thought it was obvious as day.

I already said – anyone is free to lolcat as much as they want to, I’m not here to stop them.
Hell, openwolf as prince on D1 if you want to, who am I to control you.

The other purpose is to try to disturb town communication. If you start posting cat pictures, town may revert to a memey state and stop their discussion heavily.

You may as well be mocking people who are lolcatting tbh

Arguably if a redcheck is outed early for some reason, there will still be some discussion.
Stifled or not but it will be there since ending the day right off the bat wouldn’t be beneficial at all, so.

That’s your opinion. I already stated mine. Dislike it – block me or whatever.

This just proves champs spec chat theory

I feel like we TRY and discuss but it usually results in nothing


Lolcatting not only clogs thread, it also might cause town players to meme over discussing

Has some strategic benefit

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I mean in 61/61.5 when fake redchecks were outed, I think there was actual discussion? Moreso in 61 because Alice waited longer to rescind the check.
But yeah, the main focus was still on that information which is understandable, I guess.

Can’t point you to a game where legitimate redcheck was outed early on because I don’t remember any.

That lolkatting is a sign of having a good time? :wink:

That’s actually the main reason people do it

I knew to out my triple redchecks late after all :^)

But yeah once I did out them I murdered discussion, except maybe the Blizer one because of his claim

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Didn’t you out yours like halfway into each day though.

I outted the cheese one late in the day

I outted the Blizer one once he claimed his bounty

I outted Arete immediately because that made them the last scum

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This is still the best meme.


one time I saw an outed wolf lolcat by posting a bunch of puzzle-y things in the hopes that town would get distracted by the puzzles and not be able to solve the game

Did it work lmao

The red herring crumb strat is probably better when done just right

But lolcatting is a much more consistent and less risky strat for an outed wolf probs

Spectator chat was discussing yesterday night about how a lot of discussions goes to shit because someone yelled at someone else, and the person ends up being more defensive then apologetic.

Last night I was talking about how a troll was apparently transgender, and I didn’t know this so I assumed that it was just another troll by them to have their icon be transgender. I mentioned how I felt bad after I learned that they were actually transgender. Anyway, after that someone said something along the lines of “I used to wonder if someone was faking it 3 years ago, however I don’t anymore. It’s better to be safe then sorry”, and I agreed with that and said “Yeah, who cares if they are or aren’t”. People then begin to read into my statement more, talking about how they feel like you should be more welcoming to transgender people ect. I wanted to start to hide after that discussion started, because I felt like people were reading too much into my statement when I was referring to the context of “Who cares if someone is or isn’t in a mafia game”.

Anyway, after that someone talked about the theory of how people become more defensive rather then apologetic after being yelled at, which makes both the people have a negative impression of each other. And it’s true, most people get defensive when accused with something. Sometimes this is caused by a misunderstanding between two people, where the first person assumes that they meant this, while the second person is thinking “No, why would I think that? I would never think that?”.

Pretty sure there was virtually no more discussion after I was outed in Virtuous.