Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


what about kape

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Polish >

Kape is a cutie ayaya

i feel like i can post anything and my sister will like it

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ok fine one of the other polish nerds

eevee teaching everyone how to pronounce polish was :ok_hand: tho

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I’m pretty sure none of you have heard my voice besides Sulit

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i wasnt there for that but now i wanna hear eevee talk

I’m pretty sure like
Arete and i are the only people who ever speak in the warroom


Hey I speak

just not a lot

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i mean during jackbox dat and simon are talkative

squid sometimes too

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wait you talk in vc?

i heard sulit speak once


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quite a few ppl here have probably heard mine since i’ve done both discord voice clocktower and voice beta testing in the past

i’ve heard sulit before

Oh yeah i forgot about botc

sometimes but I don’t like to because everyone says I’m cute

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But you are cute

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maybe that means something