Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

dude its worse than our joycats by a mile

theyre addicted to it


we need a joycatbot

also we’ve taken over MU spec chat temporarily

it is our chat now

remember the game where we all made MU accounts just to spectator spam a game

and then only like 2 people ended up actually speccing :frowning:

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do not infect this land with the heresy of other sites


i never got a link and didn’t care enough to actually ask again

Hey, I did spectate.
But then I lost WiM to read 40 pages because I missed start of the game.

Pages bad.

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Pages good. Glitching scrollbar thing bad.


Both bad.

Pages worse.

pages have their own niche

infinite scrollbar would be great if it worked consistently

I have made a bet against Marshal and Sulit. They both have lost the moment they signed up against me. :upside_down_face:

turbo tonight


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You can’t beat my gut reads fk

Ping me to spectate if you plan to host it here.

where else would I host it

You nerds have discord with some weird bot.
So hell if I know.