Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



It’d raining a lot hec

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It turns out if orange isn’t in a game no one can improve

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We’ve been getting slammed for like an hour and a half

At one point there was just constant droning thunder for ~15 minutes

I really need to sleep

It started like an hour ago

Lot of lightning

Just started thunder


The joke was “if I’m not in the game I don’t understand that it still happened” but close enough

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Is it fucking hailing

that joke went over my head


time for sheep to go over my head


If we did get hail I didn’t notice

quick question
am i the only one that remembers sulit typing like
gramatically coherent sentences

The lightning is so bright oh god oh fuck

I have one hand you nerd

Granted the storm is coming at us from you, so maybe that comes later, but it’s overall north of you but in line with us :slight_smile:


pull out radar

It go like a nike

Nike swoop

what does this have to do with grammar