Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Eevee locking the thread for 6(?) hours.
Also you are obviously the newb, duh.

You can’t have too many mislynch baits in one game
Otherwise there are not enough early lynches for y’all

> makes their alignment obvious

ah yes this is me :^)


They are the kat, they transcend the chart.

…wouldn’t that mean that katze won a cookie?

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Can you guys stop swapping pfps thx

No, it means eevee is annoying.

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we’re not swapping PFPs

i changed my PFP and she hated it so i told her i’d change mine to hers and here we are


Well you were obvious in Insurgency.
I don’t think it’s too hard to read you? I might be wrong :eyes:
Or maybe I just know you too well.

That’s nothing new. – @Chloe, what’s your verdict?

Wait, was kat in Insurgency?

Kat I hate you for your pfp.

No I mistook him for Chloe lmfao

lmao get pranked nerd

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Oh, you think it’s Chloe, don’t you?

You fool.

Also there’s no “FPSer” on this chart so you aren’t in it.
Actually Fakeclaimer works.

Jane I’m dying from heat.
My mental capabilities aren’t what they used to be when my brain is melting.


You are now popcorn.

I was saved by the holy sky water.

i am a fakeclaimer troll spammer hydra

fear me-ow

I am Neutral Pr0nce and exe’ing you.