Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

That’s katze

I know

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That’s the least bad symptom :wink:

My cat keeps stealing my chair and I have to kick her out becusss I want to sit on it and then she just stares sadly at me she’s doing this on purpose

how would that shame me

it’s a cute picture and it fits me well

I’m still imagining the cat just dragging the chair into some box.

That is vul the guy is the ultimate replacement

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No it’s chemist

imagine Mist replacing into a villager slot

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and then getting ITAed before ITAs even officially open

i mean I guess i’m potentially the Retrospector?

Someone pls host Toorbo?

no its dat

i do often end up being right in retrospect, but not before i’ve fucked that up to the point where it doesn’t matter

Maybe someday we won’t have to

now it’s time for an important question
do i, for a shitpost, make a trailer for ToS2399

more probably a movie poster but w/e

I take back everything I’ve said

I am this


When I get on PC I’m gonna try to fill them In with actual ppl

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It would Def add more hype to an already hype game

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