Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Your logs were glorious too

This is brilliant

gamer move: when anyone calls out reasons why you are scum, agree

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But then reveal as an innocent child

I always did that :eyes:

I knew I wasn’t bullshitting my way out of being on the forefront of mislynching three villagers.

RM4 is almost definitely my best wolf game and i feel like i’ll likely not top that

id like to say that i might have been the most influential wolf that game but idk

i don’t really like judging my own play like that because i think every wolf played well

except chloe

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I am disappointed in you all for believing I wouldn’t be ritualed.
Other than that you all did great.
And I can’t believe you people doubted me converting an IC claim.

But Amelia, the IC claim was just FPS :^)

Just Italy things

This post makes absolutely zero fuckin sense if you dont know anything about forum mafia or our site

Reading it made my brain hurt

Yes hello this is the true chloe

i mean i ended up pushing for it pretty hard after i remembered that we had 5 ritual votes between us and any uncertainty at all was probably enough to push it

and converting the IC claim was dumb and ill never say otherwise

but it worked and was p gamer

Kat why are you red

I mean, that’s kinda village’s fault for self-destructing.

Hi Kat!

you can say that about most posts that talk about forum mafia

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I don’t think killing Marshal with the convert would’ve been -EV

Our site is also


Hi kat