Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ill be the devil on anstreims shoulder here:

your art sucks

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the only one who thinks otherwise is kat and kat’s opinions suck so you are still a good artist


now thats a load of spaghetti

It’s literally the only ‘skill’ I have and I don’t even excel at it.
My works are mediocre at best and I’ve been trying to figure something out for several years, yet still failing.

I don’t want to discuss this because I’ve had this discussion with myriad of different people (also it’s stupid to clog the thread with something like it), but the point is – it’s false.


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the real question is “did anstreim or marshal notice this before they liked/replied”

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this is gonna be a thing - semi open(dont know which alignments rolled which roles, but know which roles are in play)

Unseen v Cult will be flavor because its cool. It will not effect really anything, its just flavor. Might become more later, but I dont want the game to revolve around it.

most of the roles are simple. I intend to keep it that way. There also will be no ‘race’ scenarios with day abilities(all subject to change but I like this)

it will have a post count limit - trying to make this more competitive, which is why I asked the thing about flavor earlier today.

it is designed because of the fact mafia and town have the same chance at getting roles that its p much unmechsolvable(again, subject to change, but unlikely)

will likely submit into queue soon

going to ask for a co-host though

I dont know how to set up things like scumcord or whatnot - but I want to be in complete control of design and how the game works, but actually running it will likely be easier with a co-host.

no I have no reason to post this here but I wanted to anyway its the cookie thread let it be

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@katze You are legally obliged to join this if it ever becomes a thing.

is this because you want me to suffer or because you know i post walls when i have a post restriction

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It’s both.


mediocre on what metric? comparatively you are at least in the top 5% of people as far as skill at art goes.

Does that not make you a good artist?

Do you compare yourself to the best of the best? In that case you will never feel good enough.

I think that your art is good, and I’d imagine a majority of people do. Does that make it good? But you yourself don’t, so does that hold more weight.

I think you are underestimating yourself


I just wanted to tell you your opinions sucked

forums keep making posts terribly out of order and just completely disappearing chunks of posts



but you agree with my true opinion

something is up

It’s because nobody is loading the chunks, clearly.

your move bitch



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anyone have a cool name for Unseen v Cult

making it a 50/50 chance of one being Town and the other being Mafia because yes

“Cult Loses”

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