Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

if they guess incorrectly*

it probably sees something it wants to kill :eyes:

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Hi nerds
Quick question
What’s the optimal ratio scum:town for vanilla games (no roles, scum has talk)

Was it like 2/5

Town= 3xMafia + 1

I think.

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if it’s fully Mountainous there’s a few sets of Standard Numbers

12v3 is generally considered balanced for 15p

if you only have 2 wolves it gets more contentious, 11v2 is A Thing that people do sometimes but it’s the sort of thing where people won’t believe you if you say it’s balanced (and if one of the wolves is obvious that’s a much bigger deal if there’s only 2)

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i know 9p mountainous (7/2) is considered scumsided but also semi-standard while 15p i–


nvm arete beat me

isnt 11v2 still considered slightly scumsided

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What? How?

i think the numbers i saw were based purely mathematically when in practice a 13p setup will probably play out differently than a math equation

if everything happened Literally At Random in 11v2 it would town would win 39.5 percent of the time

but that doesn’t mean the set-up is scumsided per se, it’s assumed when balancing set-ups that town will execute more accurately than literally random chance (and if they can’t, then they don’t deserve to win)

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looks at recent town winrate here

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it’s a vanilla setup

town is bound to win that

can we all agree that this site should definitely never host another short fuse


boom bye scum

reminder that in short fuse 5 the scum played more townsided than the actual town

iirc the people in short fuse trying as hard as they could to get town to not spam detonate because it could end absolutely horribly were me, vulgard and appel
two of those people were scum

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Let’s say i wanted to host the following:

  • mountainous
  • ITA’s
  • dynamic balancing (i.e. infinite players)
  1. Is this possible
  2. Is this plausible
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this would end in nothing but total chaos
therefore it’s perfect

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