Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Try sleeping in that temperature without air conditioning and tell me who is weak, little Italian man.

that’s still weak
i used to live with a heater on max literally right next to me at all times

Are you a literal hellspawn

For real
30°C is nothing

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where do you think “demon” in sleep paralysis demon comes from

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Oh god, it all makes sense now.

i don’t know what you expected from a person who only needs four hours of sleep

But I thought you were with me in the 12 hour sleep club.

i can get through a day with very little sleep
but i am a very heavy sleeper and i sleep in for a long time

I love to go for holidays in Israel, Egypt, Greece or Italia.
In summer of course.

Well, I can as well seeing as I’m functioning with just 5 hours.
Doesn’t mean it’s my preferred way of going about it.

Now I’m jealous because I’m a light sleeper and I have trouble falling asleep to begin with.
But yeah, 10-12 hours is usual for me.
Still feel terrible afterwards :^)

i don’t set an alarm
but when i do
i’ll sleep an extra four hours without even waking up to turn it off

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When I set alarms I somehow wake up 1 hour before it’s supposed to go off.
Every single time.

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just have an internal alarm
i have this supernatural ability where i will always wake up minutes before something happens

This is the point where I’m starting to wonder what was worse.
Being unable to sleep due to my neighbors drilling for one full month starting with 9 AM each day.
Or being unable to sleep because it’s living hell outside.

you haven’t even been over here

i haven’t seen snow in at least seven years

Italy I’d literally just burn to a crisp within 2 hours of stepping outside.

so would i
that’s just because introverted gamers are like vampires

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But snow is the best part of winter