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why would you host it on discord ???

‘mafia on discord is shit’


‘why would you host it on discord’


i dont feel like arguing about this

discord mafia is just terrible tho

I mean I’d have full moderation powers which is infinitely better
Which I do not have on the forums
Seperation of days would be easier
Hell, even a votecount bot could be implemented.

why would you host a game

for FoL

not on FoL

unrelated to this

hi soolit!!

i like your pfp

okay resume the argument

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because the forums lacks some pretty vital QoL features

you can delete posts pretty easily on discord
not sure how easy they are to dig up
that’s an oof

Bots can handle deletion & edit logs.

mrrrrr I can’t sleep because my blinds broken

does discord have not-extremely-frustrating-to-use quoting

You can copy message links, and just quote normally

discord absolutely has pros and cons to the forums

i think overall for a FM game the forums are better

but like

i don’t think discord is unworkable and ive never played a real mafia game there unless you count wolfia (which i don’t)

i think discord can work wonders for certain miscs and i think VLDR will work much better on discord than it did on the forums


Discord mafia.

  1. You can see when people are online
  2. it’s a pain in the ass to make walls with quotes and evidance
  3. it’s a way more chill environment, it’s extremely easy to get off topic, spam the channel with a million posts, and makes it a living hell to read and actually try to play
  4. it makes it 100x easier to scumslip, accidentally post places you shouldn’t, etc
  5. as geyde said you can’t quote EASILY
  6. keeping track of votes is harder
  7. finding posts is harder
  8. reading is harder and you can easier lose your place
  9. it’s hard to scroll up
  10. you can spam. have i already said this?
  11. you can’t reply to posts
  12. it’s not a forum
  13. weird point but discord is kinda where i go when i wanna chill and not do brain things, if it’s there and I see the server I’d just be pressured to play
  1. why would you run a game through the FoL queue intended for FoL players and not… host it on FoL.
  2. I could probably think of more points but my brain hurts
  3. people can easily change names
  4. people can easily delete posts



send like this


Like yeah you could host a game on discord

but it’s bad and I wouldn’t play

this is actually really relevant now that I think about it

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