Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think I was told recently u can now kick people out of PMS as creator. Maybe we are working towards that


But you still cannot leave PMs that you yourself created, right?


Correct, yes.
If you want out of any of those, the only way is to add a mod to kick you.

Yep, that’s what I’ve been doing before.
Had to pester Arete/Chloe to keep my inbox clean.


i am NOT an insomniac

insomniacs still get sleep eventually


Imagine having a clean inbox
Cannot realet

Not if ur as severe as us

The most severe form of insomnia im p sure is that it’s not physically possible to sleep without medicational assistance until you just faint from exhaustion after 96 hours or so

How did I spell relate as “realet”

Kat told me about his 500 DMs the other day.
The mental image was enough for me.

Clearly you rolled a Sulit.

Yeah I’m not much better

Also I get to look at all the role PMs I’ve made :^)

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I’m not sure how severe I am

I just know that ever since I was little I couldn’t sleep without medicine

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I just checked and I was able to leave DM I created.

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Oh, interesting. Time to test it then.

Oh, new features

Okay, it actually works.
This is perfect, hosting/cleaning up is no longer a hassle.