Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


which is why im willing to give it a shot

hopefully i get ITAed on D1 :sunglasses:

Probably won’t be any ITAs on D1, but who knows.

fuck if kat joins i might join

july 13th

probably no multitable with amelia’s game

which would be sad

but I like MU mashes

ill find a way to die on D1

i feel like my playstyle will be very easy to scumread on MU regardless of my alignment

but eh

ill just focus on having a good time

im already in

decent odds i get overwhelmed and don’t post too much tho

so don’t feel pressured :eyes:

Rands Mafia Vigilante

Wait. What mash?

I’ll join it if you do

Mafia Anniversary 2020

why do people want to join it when i say ill join it




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ur cool

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i dont think ive ever seen someone type “ur cool” like that in a non-sarcastic way and i can’t tell if this is an exception or not

it’s slighty sarcastic

you are fun to play with and part of the reason I don’t rlly like MU is because I don’t know people on it

but if you and sulit and astand and ici are going to be in then I kind of want to be in

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But really, I don’t really bother with doing much myself until numbers becomes more manageable, and that’s when my WiM usually increases.

There are usually enough people able to do good work early game anyway.

get me the fuck away from anni
I’m going to die if it’s another giant ass mash

Can you link the thread

lazy noises


If this is a rickroll I’ll kill you

Ok it’s not a rickroll

This is fine

for the record it was originally a link to the thread

i just edited it because i thought you’d be faster

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