Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You want me to be silent or what?

No; there is literally a person called Silence who has just messaged me on Discord asking if I know you.


I don’t know who that is?

100% accuracy on day 4


Do you want me to screenshot the messages

I speculated before it was KyoDaz when he said how many duels he won in Throne Mash, although posting style doesn’t match to a pretty high extent.

im 99.9% sure he’s said it was his account before


It’s someone from EpicMafia, yeah
Not myself

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Or maybe just answer.

I tried to get them to play here before

I replied with ‘No, why’ and they said they wanted to ask you about something.

They’d just PM me then, are you sure you are not pulling my leg, Kyo.

literally not


This is some random person
What do I say to troll them

You could have this screenshot as real and it having nothing to do with me tbh.

But if legit, just tell them my discord lol.

Oh okay I was assuming they were a stalker after you which is why I said no

now how do I get around saying no

Astand what’s your discord