Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

FireKitten do you have it out for me

No what makes you think that

The fact I’m clearly joking and you’re summoning moderators
I haven’t even sent them an email
You clearly have it out for me after you got absolutely demolished in our Discord Mafia discussion

This is targeted harassment

I summoned the moderator who was already reading the posts as evident by him liking my post, lmao.

just remember I win the argument when you host the discord mafia game



If you believe I had broken a rule the correct process is to message a moderator.
This is creating a public scene which will be halted.

The fact that you think I was reporting you to the moderator is hilarious

I literally joked with arete about closing his eyes as I didn’t think it was that serious lmao

So you admit you’ve commited attempted defamation.

Actually I’m not even going to feed into this petty argument anymore.

I admit to be a cat. Any accusations against me shall not stand and I shall bite and scratch you.

creates pretty argument when I’m clearly joking

I’m not going to feed into this petty argument anymore

Summoning a moderator and accusing me of seriously considering participating in illegal activity is not a joke.

you mean pinging the moderator already reading the thread with closing his eyes


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Messaging a moderator is the correct process to avoid issues like this if you were actually joking.
It is specifically designed this way to prevent public situations like this one.

If I was actually concerned with what you were doing, I wouldn’t have been like “@arete can we discuss illegal activities, if not can you close your eyes”, I would have been “arete Kyo is talking about committing a crime please help”

Why would I message arete personally if I wasn’t concerned with what you were doing, (besides a humorous message I made in “the nerd herd”)

I thought pings didn’t work if you used “@

