Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



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wow nerds our temperatures are like 3-6 times as high as your temperatures


What the hell is your new pfp even.


I see you are still suffering
Anything above +20 is hell.

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We got boatloads of rain here the past couple weeks
Tis only karma

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I heard the boom of a lightning bolt around 5 hours ago in fact, I think.

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No thunder here, just pure rain.
Can finally keep the windows open

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with this information i can accurately pin point ur location to at least above the ground.

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I’m sorry

wouldn’t that just make the rain leak in

Silly Dat, I only leave my underground catacombs and sacrificial chambers when it starts raining.

No because our windows are placed somewhat “inwards” and there isn’t a lot of wind.
I have no clue how to explain this in english, but it won’t drip in unless there’s an actual storm outside.

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damnit ans, that makes the locations u can be in like 200,000x more hard to find lol

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Random b word use OwO.

but ans, why not just stay underground all the time :^)

delete this

I would but rain is too glorious to miss out on.
I definitely look like I live underground though :^)

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I was ambushed by one in 4chan pokemon
You all needed to know :^)

Ensure that the game is pain and suffering.

But this class achieves its wincon as soon as it spawns.

If anyone finds his underground bunker let me know for the virtual pat on head