Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

but you arent getting pocketed in spec chat

Joke’s on you, Geyde pocketed me D2.

specchat also considered town!katze worlds towards the end :^)

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I never said that I considered you town. The quote is:

I’m not going to give up a possibility of Kat being town of course

Because I never had 100% information that you were scum. That did not stop me from scumreading you from the start and until the very end. Look at the last readlist.

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spec chat: ‘Arete is scum for pushing Wazza’

angry noises


oh i totally misread that then

alas, i was basically openwolfing at one point

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See, now Wazza is the one player who I deserve to be shamed for because he fooled me.

Also I reevaluated your slot :newspaper_roll:

i know “6 hours of sleep” and “i have work” is a bad pairing and i should be getting more sleep
i’m working on it


stupid ptr getting in the way of my katze iso session

replace “work” with “school” and this was my life for like 6 years :eyes:

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and by stupid ptr i mean i love hosting ptr because it makes me feel useful

I just want you to take care of yourself and be okay

don’t be like me

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using your phrasing
i’m bad at being a person

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let us know if there’s anything we can do to support you in being a person

Is this where we organize a team to cheer for Vulgard?

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my personal experiences with you would lead me to disagree, but i understand that i am not in your POV 24/7 :eyes:

this also applies to you anerd

and you chleb

and ans

and probably 99% of people who’d ever read this


thats this entire forum

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Sounds about right to me.

make me get 8+ hours of sleep regularly
in other words
…wait can you ban people?
periodically banning me for 8 hours, as dumb as it sounds, wouldn’t be as dumb
yeah no it would be dumb

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