Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

if i use my right hand maybe

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you definitely wouldn’t beat me

i don’t really gym anymore so maybe not

but this can be fixed

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Are you sure about that?

you cannot defeat the farm power

The true test of strength is dueling someone in


<-- farmer
person who does manual labor on daily basis
therefore strong

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I can defeat anyone only using my finger

yeah but you’re also 14

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Discuss please

haha please laugh

i can too
just don’t close your eyes when you see it going straight for your face

I challenge Marshal to a duel at dawn!

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you don’t know my true age

/duel marshal

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You’re like 12

we need more people who dueled marshal

Okay yes, but I play basketball.

alexander hamilton plays quietly in the background

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if i was 12 i wouldn’t even be able to use discord what