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not that america
the smaller one

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kat where did the name America come from

I would say Belgium’s population if my internet didn’t suck so much right now.

George “America” Washington


did you ever notice that almost all continents start with an A

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but making major life changes is scary and I have no idea what I’d do in the EU and the EU probably wouldn’t even want me

11.46 Million.

Dont mind me

Just over here
In my own country of california
40 million people


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Google says 11.46 million

congratulations you have about twice as many people as my state

At the very least, a small part of it does.

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Well at least one person in the EU would want you.
Major life changes are scary indeed, it was meant as a joke anyway.
Though it would be cool as hell if you went here on a holiday or something.


one of these aren’t like the others

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Hold on a second.

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i died a little inside when you called australia a continent

How the hell do 40million people fit in this state

we’re so much bigger
give us your population

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Chloe I’m just sitting here in my city with 21k residents and wondering what the hell is going on with your Freedom land.


Bro you’re way bigger than Florida with only double the people relax

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