Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Goddamn i wanna visit austin

so you can punch marshal in the face?

who tf is Austin are you cheating on me

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dw chloe i’ll punch him for you

so things are more complicated because my city is actually two cities but the metro area, taken as a whole, has more than 3 million people

and that’s not even particularly large, the city where my university is is much bigger probably because it’s an actual city

you and your big cities smh



Weak numbers
also fuck southern california

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Imagine living in a city

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it’s not actually bigger I’m just dumb

Congratulations, your city alone has the population of my whole country.
I have no idea how weird it must feel to live in a place with that many people.

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i’m over here in my village like “haha where are all the people”


which country is it

Secret, Vulgod :eyes:

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it’s obvious

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Is that your city and country name?

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there aren’t even that many people

I basically never interact with my neighbors (and this was true even before the pandemic)

No one tell him that I live in Vatican City

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Are you the pope


If hes the pope

I claim IC

Yes but the streets must be busy during workdays, not to mention all of the traffic and whatnot.