Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Kat other than [redacted] what is your favorite physical feature about yourself?

is it time for us to bring all of this site’s extremely old alts back from the grave

right before your eyes


i don’t really have one

so i’d say my eyes since people compliment those a lot

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You have good eyes

watch us multiply


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i mean how bad are people’s memories? i mean, surely the brain can recognise that a conversation is going the exact same way eventually even if it doesn’t spring to mind immediately???

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i assure you that somebody would take advantage of the meme value by switching accounts every single time they post

I mean it makes you hard to ISO so I could definitely see people doing it.

so does having 2100 posts in thread

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anyway yeah
my memory is better than everyone around me’s even if most people around me are generally as intelligent as me

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italy has terrible short term memory
but absolutely insane long term memory

Does that mean you judge our posts whenever we repeat old jokes?


yes i absolutely do

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Does that mean you judge our posts whenever we repeat old jokes?


if i forget something quickly, don’t expect it to stick easily
if i bring something up you don’t even remember, don’t expect me to ever forget :eyes:

lynches ravenkeeper for making a valid play

I guess there’s my motivation to improve :eyes:

it’s by no means perfect
but i have a really good memory for conversations that people have had

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