Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I wouldn’t want to meet myself either, Ici. I feel you.

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I can do the shittiest layup ever

The one thing PE taught me is that im good at setting up people for an alley-oop

Das it tho

let’s be realistic

a hypothetical Arete-Ans meeting would involve us spending half the time being too scared to say anything and the other half going ‘aaaa I’m sorry I’m bad at conversations’

…maybe that’s just me

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…How did you know



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no that’s absolutely what would happen with us as well

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Wait except for you and Wazza :eyes:

Likes that aswell

@katze gets this
used to describe our shittiness at fighting games when we lose to other countries in clutch moments lmao

it wouldn’t work right now anyway, seeing as the pandemic happened

Vul you are a great player and you improve every day

Just keep trying new things if you feel like you’re “stuck”

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i know

the only difference is that it’d take slightly less time before I start infodumping

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Try lolcatting as town. Embrace your inner Kat.


ive tried making her


we got close to it in JK9 but we wanted to keep up the JK cover unfortunately

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you remember this right kat

from twitch chat and such

america is free af except when mang0 exists, then america is #1

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