Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Who do we ping?


I’ll try this nerd again.

No response… it must be feigning sleep.

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Let’s try all these alts again


We all know that creature doesn’t know the concept of sleep.

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This is actually really tiring and I should be doing homework, someone please help.


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The truth hurts, doesn’t it?

I know you secretly like dogs.

I have a dog next to me rn and a cat also next to me

And I’m petting the cat

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Fake News.

Gudhung or whatever it was again is your true identity.

And now you’re idolizing cats because you’re ashamed to admit you like dogs more.

Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong.

But deep down, you know that I’m not.

Not Fake News
Good Job Reporting The Truth

:dog: :dog: :dog:


:dog: :dog2: :guide_dog:
:dog: :service_dog: :dog:

Okay Jane out, I need to do homework.
Sorry Chleb, I have failed you.
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Go do homework

Im proud