Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

boss got it lul

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I did.

It’s the power of mentalism.

This pfp grants me power unimaginable.

wait no

jane got it

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It’s Jgoes on my phone, weird.


Update the OP when you wake up, Chleb.

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You’ll probably have to wait for a while but she did say that she had to wake up in 4 (now 3, I suppose?) hours.

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This was ~2 hours and 15 minutes ago.

So In ~1 hour and 45 minutes I can bathe in the glory of having won a cookie.

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You’ll be even more proud when you wake up.

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@discobot fortune

Would my crush love me back if I gave her the cookie?

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

@discobot fortune

Would my crush love me back if I gave her the cookie?

If you don’t answer I’ll do unspeakble things to you.

:crystal_ball: My sources say no


7000th postes gets this :cake:

You can do it guys.

Whoops nevermind, I already took that too.

No, that’s wrong!
