Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Oi mate why you leaking moi status

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that isnt derps

milk with ice



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what the fuck

you do realize that once it melts you get milk water


whom the fuck drinks milk by itself

I can name like 3 sodas better than DRP

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as opposed to what

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a) you have to drink it before it melts

b) me, I love milk


drinking anything else

Milk is hella good tho

Not optimal solo but definitely not bad alone

Ice bad tho

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milk by itself makes me vomit

Am i the only lactose intolerant person to exist

How do you DRINK milK

Thats like drinking diarrhea

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You must have weak bones



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You like alcohol, you prefer coffee over tea, you like milk. That’s it kat. There’s no going back.

oh yeah

it’s prolly because of the lactose intolerance


I don’t like coffee or tea

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I’m pretty sure that’s not normal