Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i ruined family dinners :sunglasses:

i’m gonna be a good house wife one day if anybody is dumb enough to marry me uwu

bold of you to assume my family “cooks” and doesn’t just say “marshal go heat up some mac and cheese or hot pockets or something”

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I usually put butter on my potatoes

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Like, we cook for everyone but there’s no mandatory “sit down and eat all together now the moment the food is ready”.
Sure, it might go cold later on but cold food is just fine and well, it can always be heated. Family dinners sound really weird to me.

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Relatable except for the wife part

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I don’t think i’ve ever actually sat down and talked at a dinner table with my family for a meal

I hadn’t eaten at the table in ages until we started doing the puzzle


I’ve eaten on the couch or in bed

my whole life basically

same here

we just really aren’t on good speaking terms

Even if my family does family dinners I usually don’t say much

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i live at my desk now ngl

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I mean same

‘Arete tell us about your day’

‘okay here are some things that happened’

‘nooooo Arete why are you telling us about things we don’t care about’

I mean I talked with my mom still because we have like 50 minutes total driving to school and back to talk

but other then that we run out of things to say

and my dad has negative conversation skills

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and then they wonder why you don’t update them on what you’ve been up to, right?

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how did you guess

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his whole branch of the family

just goes on long rants about their childhood or things their kids did as kids
he’s like a grandfather in a father suit

are you sure we don’t have the same parents

1 hour later…

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