Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ur at L-1

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Im literally



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Im so rided

desu is superior to ayaya intensifies and you can fight me

Inwill dight tiu


Its the oiubt in the night where i try ti soell soemtbing one and if it doesnt go right thr first time im too lazy to backspace and fix it

Also typinf with one hand on mobile + 6 hours past normal bedfime hahahahahahahahahah

Piper is layinf in my dominant arm rn

So im stuck with left hand


So much in one image

Ok only 2 things


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I’d buy you for 1350 pounds any day

Wait dollars

if only it was 4.20

pounds qualify as currency if you’re british

Idea won’t work because Discourse is too limited : /

I’ll have to try something else.