Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Isn’t that an outright warnable offense?

of it happening in practice? i’ve definitely seen people say “like this post if X”

just a quick search found me that, for example

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Hell I even limited how many likes I used in the last FoL because it felt like I had an unfair advantage - and it makes you not want to provide content. It’s also, ya know, hard to spot out where people agree with others in ISO if you only communicate agreement through likes


you can definitely communicate via likes

like in anime FM i liked a post randomly where arete accused me of being a neut


i didnt communicate anything and if they didn’t say it publicly nobody would have noticed it ever

throwback to arete in the last virtuous: 44 posts from the post i just liked

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or in EVO FM I spent the first several hours liking any non-horrible post that was made by a member of the scumteam

I’m not saying that you cannot communicate via likes. I’m saying that I don’t think there will ever be a point where its seriously going to influence postcounts and interactions.


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oh god no orange please

not again
i cant live through it again

Forgotten Howling.
A sad separated pack.
Is all my hope lost?


like analysis is an entirely valid form of reading people

you can’t change my mind


it is but its also impossible to ISO likes


Try a forum with no likes :sunglasses:

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not true technically

just… really annoying

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I have

Three of them

That’s a dumb strat and I hate it

I’d probably replace out if that was actually used against me

But did you get an answer, Chloe?


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Good morning Sulit.

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