Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

good job! :orange_heart:

oddly enough, there seems to be a somewhat significant difference in my early-day energy between 6 and 7

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if you try to make it a priority to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, even when you have other things you want to do, do you think you’ll be able to manage it?

Both get cabalist


i’m baaaaaack

anyway let us mourn the loss of the cookie
something something i’ll miss having off-topic conversations with you guys


i mean the patreon is already close to the required number

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You got the ping right

Worst case scenario we still have DMs? We could create private groups or something but it’s… A lot less effective.
Its either patreon or the whole section just gets removed, unfortunately.

well there’s the #fol-off-topic channel in the tol discord

but i don’t know if everybody here who isn’t in the tol discord wants to join it

This is saddest day
What will we play to commemorate this tragedy

Also kat the issue with patreon is that its a monthly goal. I’m not sure if we will be able to sustain it. Especially with the number of people who are seriously using forums.

Popcorn until everyone passes out

i think this may be a potential solution

id disable my adblock on this site


i used to
but honestly
there are multiple reasons why I won’t rejoin

I think it still boils down to the number of active users.

yeah i assumed some people would feel this way

which is fair; and part of why id rather keep off topic alive if possible

even if i don’t mind discord


Someone just donated - it was at like $50. Whoever did that, you rock :slight_smile: We’re at $92, so far. Super close~ it’d have to meet or exceed the goal [on a monthly basis] since I’m not considering Patreon fees that keep mysteriously ticking higher.


clownpiece is like the physical manifestation of my suffering

If I’m going to be honest
Real time chat on forums feels great because quoting