Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

there is more to it than that, trust me


Unless your problem is software it shouldn’t be too hard to work around it.


sorry about the ping but is there a way to make the mod color overwrite the donor color

orange is better than green :upside_down_face:


No Emilia, Geyde meant Ici as an example of people who aren’t in ToL discord and don’t feel like joining it.

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again, I left the discord not just because of a petty disagreement, I left it because I dislike the culture of the discord, and quite frankly muting all the channels won’t stop me from compulsively reading them.


If it’s going to still make you read them, the mods if they’re kind enough could give you a role that bans you from viewing everything except FoL category.
That’s the best thing I could think of right now

This makes me feel like I won a #tol-memes competition

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It’s because everyone else rather than how it would impact Ici due to their own actions
I don’t fully understand the situation so I might be horribly wrong though


Also this

it’s messy, unfocused, and quite frankly I dislike having to explain what FoL is every day to a bunch of people who seem to be adamantly focused on not understanding it in the slightest


If things from years ago still make you so uncomfortable that you won’t even try, we cannot help them

that would drive me insane
nothing is more annoying than not being able to read things that you know exist because you were in that discord for several years

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there’s no point shaming someone for not wanting to join the server

whether you disagree with their views or not


Priestess I think we shouldn’t judge people for having opinions and preferences. He didn’t ask for help. He merely stated his point of view.


that’s just why I don’t particularly want to
there is a seperate reason why I won’t try

It wasnt meant as shame sorry

It’s in its own category (divider) on discord now


If anybody decides to speak derogatory comments specifically toward you it’s targetted harassment and those people will be wiped from the face of the earth.
But if you’re still adamant that you’re unwilling to join then I can’t really force you but it would be nice having your discussion inside of the discord Icibalus.

yeah see it wouldn’t be just anybody