Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

that sounds way meaner than you meant for it to be


Now think about my eyes.


we can add even more to this “fun” idea by adding Homestuck shipping into the mix
HS ships are the only fandom that actually has different rules for shipping characters
what fun

you brought this upon yourself :^)

it burns

oh god youre right im sorry arete

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Solid image
It will make a fine addition to my collection

imagine the sheer value of being able to ship immense hatred between two people romantically

now, guys

im not going to say that this was all my fault but

it uh
okay this was all my fault


oh and more importantly being able to ship platonic relationships
god troll romance is bullshit

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i bet you that ToS 2399 will involve the unseen faction, a BD miller, coven lost wolf, and everyone’s favorite unseen member, the consort

how do you have as many posts as me sister

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Lime Green is never a great color unless contrasted with other greens

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ha ha you made this joke yesterday

Green theme

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also, it’s called "ToS"FM 2399: The Desolation of Storp. Please refer to it as such.

i made it 3 times actually but they don’t need to know that




it turns names black too


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I don’t even pretend to understand how it works
It’s a thing I guess