Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ok so im probably gonn get the 21 dollar patreon thing because tbh it’s worth it to me to keep off-topic here

I’m (hopefully) getting the 27 dollar one for a month but right now I’m technically still studying.

we need to spend the next posts voting for someone to be the one to receive the final post, and we all need to agree.

thats right, its time for condorcet voting

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I think it should be shurian

he got the first cookie, and it would go full circle if he got the last

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Host a poll for it.

I vote that we don’t

although if i get the patreon thing… I don’t think it’ll even matter cuz off-topic will stay open

Xblade pockets the money and runs lol

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For this month.
We will have to hit that goal monthly and I just don’t think that’s sustainable.

maybe not

but im willing to try


wait what where is this

Let’s start selling cat pictures.


give me until june 18th i’ll start an only fans

i bought the patreon


We did it bois.

For at least one month.




who do i ping to give me a cool forum color + title :sunglasses:

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