Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Damnit Marshal, you ruined my epic prank for the minor deity of sleep deprivation.


Is this my title now? How did we get here.


It’s because you never sleep.

Anyway, time to go beg.

honestly with your guys sleeping schedules it’s probably not a minor god any more


my new band, Bad Sleep Schedule, has their first concert release at 3:37 AM tommorrow, which wil last an Undeterimined™ length of time!

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Now I wait.

Going to buy front row seats because this is probably the only concert I’ll be able to actually attend :^)

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If you can pay money you can give me 10 mins of saving shit :slight_smile:

it’s in a specially put up gazebo designed to be as inconvenient to enter as possible, so most of the people enter the concert about halfway through the first song, which will be designed to be as fucked up as possible without context

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So do I have to wait until I get my color or can I DM XBald for a Title immediatly?

Sounds perfect for target audience, which is us. Bonus points if it includes weird lines from best/worst quotes topic.
Also manual like because I’ve ran out again.

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Weird lines

Like Marshal throwing a grenade

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XBlade’s scheme actually worked?


the last line of the song will be “buy our first album to learn the first verse and find out why the fuck I was singing about Canada in a public park in York”


We’d do anything for the Cookie.


Ah yes, the perfect marketing strategy. I like it.

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Hello am i still green

Please dont tell me im green

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Im green


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