Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


feed me souls

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Come back :crying_cat_face:

Kat reaper?

I could try to type more in line with Solic, but I don’t think I am quite Solic and thus will go back to typing how i normally type in the middle of this message because thats not offputting at all

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Wait I need to make sure I’m doing this correctly.

If I click cancel payment will X still get the money?



i don’t think they look that similar though

but like

just glancing at the pfp

Wait ok, one more thing.

My crown is better than yours.

@Arete You’re a nerd, you better know this.

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[shrug emoji]

I would assume so? I think it just cancels future payments

but I’ve never used Patreon before yesterday


if its processed via the bank it shouldn’t

Throne of Lies will lose your valuable support, and you will lose access to 40 exclusive posts at the end of this billing period on May 1.

Yeah, okay, I’m doing it right.

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then again i know next to nothing about the shit that is finance and modern banking in the information age

i can however tell you how banks can effectively print money due to how fractional reserve banking works

Please, enlighten me.

haha money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


in ancapistan there is a bank which operates under fractional reserve (which is what nearly all modern banks do)

Say you live in ancapistan and you put in 10 thousand dollars

Lets say banks only need to keep 10% of your deposit in the vault

So they can take that 9 thousand dollars and loan it to someone else

Then they put it in their bank account, bank keeps 10%
loans out 90% of the rest

And so on and so on
So basically your 10 thousand dollars became roughly 90 thousand

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I don’t get it but I’m liking it anyway.


fractional reserve banking is wonky