Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

damn ok then

where do i rank

Give us the full list.


slightly above marshal

thats a lot of work


you have a list
give it

who is the most intimidating one


probably eevee

he knows all of our identities and could def hack my search history and post it to the forums

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he knows my full irl name, my irl gmail / paypal email, and both of my exact addresses
so lol

Its okay N.1, you can be in the middle of my ‘most intimidating people’ list.


im p sure he knows my full irl name

prolly email too
address im not sure on

How intimidating am I, daughter?
hides dagger

why did i paypal him 10 euros 14 months ago

you’re in the bottom 3 :slight_smile:

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Bribery to make him review your setup faster?


didn’t know eevee had an onlyfans acc

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I knew it :joy:

okay maybe not

you’re actually surprisingly intimidating

where am I on the list :eyes:

who’s the most intimidating

and who’s the least

you were right on eevee being #1

least is chloe lmao

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