Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

you can’t be sure that it’s not

Are you a 19-year old girl from Belgium with the initials M. D.?

i can be if u want :wink:


:eye: :eye:





Damn - i thought we had something

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Close, though.


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chloe best egg :heart:

Hahahaha i knew you two would pick up on that

to be clear this is a joke. I am female and arete and kat make fun of me. >:(

thats what a not female would say if they were accused of being an egg

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@Arete @katze

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The only way to live through the egg jokes is to get ahead of them :^)

nobody can accuse you of being gay if you kiss dudes before they do :flushed:

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this doesn’t make sense

it’s 2 am

what am i doing with my life


Go to sleep Marshal. :newspaper_roll:

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Go to sleep Anstreim. :newspaper_roll:


i took like a 2 hour nap earlier