Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

dammit kat gets the cookie

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Slow load thingy killed me.

yeah getting competent players on your wolfteam in mashes is almost an autowin for the wolves
in the mash i’m designing i’m trying to implement a way to make it more likely for town to win
not by it being necessarily townsided but… you’ll see

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you got it

wait i got the cookie when i posted at 9985

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Refresh bad

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too slow lmao

Forum is being wack rn.

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oh i entirely forgot about cookie and just kept my conversation


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id like to thank my favorite relative, @arete

and my favorite sister, @Chloe


one thing i’m doing is trying to nullify the effect of randing wolf for the competent wolf players
as in
it shouldn’t influence the odds too much

why is the cookie number a number we already passed

i kinda want to go to sleep
before i do that

icibalus as a fellow homestuck nerd
what do you say to a Homestuck FM on this site on 6/12?

I forgot a 3

i mean we missed 4/13
but 6/12 would work if it had a more Hivebent-y flavour

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Ici when are we getting eye reveal from you.

and if kyo weren’t CFD’d

that game becomes a lot closer
and kat is lynched that day in quite a few worlds


we did it

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i basically am a boomer with no idea how to work a camera when it comes to smartphones, so probably in 6 months when I figure out how selfies work :^)


You had a second cookie for like a minute or something.

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